My bestsellers

Literacy Walks

Accelerated Language Learning with the Lit Six

Striving Readers

The Big Book of Literacy Tasks, Grades K-8
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Book reviews

“I just would like to thank you for the summer in-service. It was amazing and I left feeling so motivated to get ready for next year. “
“Every time I leave after being with you gals: I’m energized and ready to take something back immediately to my class. So, kudos to all of you and all the great work you are doing! Please keep in touch. “
“Our use of the shared reading from Nancy Akhavan with close reading strategies will influence the quality of the students’ work and comprehension.”
Assistant Superintendent
Curriculum and Instruction

“I just would like to thank you for the summer in-service. It was amazing and I left feeling so motivated to get ready for next year. “

“Every time I leave after being with you gals: I’m energized and ready to take something back immediately to my class. So, kudos to all of you and all the great work you are doing! Please keep in touch. “

“Our use of the shared reading from Nancy Akhavan with close reading strategies will influence the quality of the students’ work and comprehension.”
Assistant Superintendent
Curriculum and Instruction
Blog Updates

Helping Writers Justify
When students are writing explanations, or explanatory essays, they often need to justify their thoughts and ideas. Here is a page where I explain a couple of ideas and give a resource from my book, The Big Book of Literacy Tasks. Ideas for Justifying Happy Teaching,...
Using Our Work in Different Ways
Last week I tweeted that one of my doctoral students was giving a presentation in class using some of the material from my new book, The Big Book of Literacy Tasks. I thought I would share the lesson she was using to teach her colleagues in the doctoral course. Sara...
Three Ways to Engage Writers in Narrative
You can engage writers in different ways with narrative. Some of us prefer to give students prompts to get them writing, others like to have students write fairy tales or novelettes (depending on their age, of course). I prefer to have students work on personal...